
Our Tenets




Our Story

Started in 2018, Rebellyen, LLC is the vision Ree Belle held for her lifes’ work made real. Before starting Rebellyen, as a community organizer, Ree Belle began to see and experience the impact of movements for liberation on those closest to the work- she had experienced burnout, suffered a breakdown and anxiety attack, and was working towards an early grave with her work heavy lifestyle. She began to incorporate healing into her work through ritual, rest, and retreat for herself and other organizers of color especially. She began to critique and challenge the culture of organizing and its lack of care for its most valuable human resources. At the same time, her involvement with the Ferguson Uprising and global movement for black folx was depleting her spiritually and mentally, and the church offered little refuge. Her 2017 thesis project “White Supremacy and the Black Church'' sought to give answers for healing through the black church, but came up short. It was then that she knew her work must shift and exactly the space it needed to move into. 

Since then, she has crafted a multitude of outlets and offerings for activists, organizers, women of color, youth and organizations to engage in healing while maintaining a position of resistance to oppression. Her programs and consulting work have engaged over 2000 people and 17 organizational clients in the St. Louis region and across the country in various spaces, from retreats, to meditation series, public actions, and campaigns. Clients have ranged from youth groups and local unions, to regional social initiatives, state organizing coalitions, and national organizations.

In 2021, she expanded the practice beyond herself to bring on two new consultants, expanding the reach of the business and areas of expertise beyond her own. With the addition of Rev. Regina, resident Chaplain and Kimberly, business consultant, she now also offers business consulting, coaching, spiritual guidance, and counseling. These additional areas of expertise have also extended the clientele to now include youth, women, communities of color, churches and congregations, small businesses, grassroots organizations and groups, and institutions.